26 de dezembro de 2009

1054. Correspondente

«Johnny Jones: This is Scott ffolliott, newspaperman same as you. Foreign correspondent. Mr. Haverstock, Mr. ffolliott.
Scott ffolliott: With a double 'F'.
Johnny Jones: How do you do?
Scott ffolliott: How do you do?
Johnny Jones: I don't get the double 'F'.
Scott ffolliott: They're at the beginning. Both small 'F's
Johnny Jones: They can't be at the beginning.
Scott ffolliott: One of my ancestors was beheaded by Henry VIII. His wife dropped the capital letter to commemorate it. There it is.
Johnny Jones: How do you say it, like a stutter?
Scott ffolliott: Just a straight 'fuh'.»

Foreign Correspondent, 1940.

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